Monday, November 30, 2009


We have celebrated Advent with the kids since they were born. For the last few years, Daddy has had to work evenings and it's made things more complicated. We've tried lighting candles at lunchtime, but it just didn't feel as special. The sparkling of candlelight in the evenings certainly adds to the charm. But more than that, we were in the middle of a day....busy, distracted. This year, Daddy is back to day shift (hooray!) and we all stop what we're doing at 8:00 every night to cuddle on to the couch while Daddy reads the Advent story. When the story is finished, the two older children take turns lighting and blowing out the candles. We leave the candles lighted for our Advent bible verses and prayer.

We wrap up the night with sharing our high's and low's of the day. Then we pray and head to bed. I love Advent traditions.

This year, we've launched our website, sharing Advent ideas and traditions from around the world. It's the Advent Idea Box and contains lots of free goodies. Please take a gander and tell me what you think! I'll be journaling our activities as time allows here on the blog.

We're also gathering ideas from the Online Christmas Party at Squidoo. Head on over for many more ideas!


Joyful Songs said...

I really like your Advent Idea Box! I added a link to it on a page I wrote about Bible activities for Christmas. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas. Merry Christmas!

Melissa Telling said...

You've won a prize at the Online Christmas Party! Please contact me wih your email address so I can get it to you. Thanks! Melissa Telling, Lilliput Station